
Showing posts from October, 2021

Facebook's Sick Video Announcing Their Name Change

Facebook Commercial Video Announcing Name Change If you can stomach it, watch this video I got directly off of Facebook. The people that put this together don't think like most of us. In fact, judging by the content, these guys are out to indoctrinate the younger and more impressionable minds to accept as normal severely altered lifestyles. Watch this video and ponder your Facebook future. You might not find me on Facebook in the future. I believe this is the time to leave. I'm always on MeWe (link below) or WIMKIN

Congratulations to William Shatner Oldest Man To Fly In Space!

 William Shatner just "shatnered" the new record for the oldest man to fly in space. The beloved 90 years young actor just flew into space and returned safely giving him bragging rights in the Star Trek Universe! Congratulations William (Captain Kirk) Shatner

More Information On The COVID Vaccine and Treatment No On Is Talking About

Information on COVID and the vaccine you might not find in other places on the Internet. I personally know 2 that died from the vaccine apparently. Now 3 that contracted COVID after being vaccinated then died. Something is fishy about all this.

Facebook Uses Their "Community Standards" To Ban Anything They Do Not Like

Many of you probably have noticed "Community Standards" often being used to take down anything that puts Facebook in a bad light, like memes making fun of Facebook. Update!   Facebook reversed their decision on this and the post has been restored! Facebook restored meme with an apology! Check out this that happened today concerning this meme: Clearly not flattering to Facebook, but not against "Community Standards" Using the "Community Standards" label Facebook took down this meme. Claiming this post can cause harm is misleading. It can only bruise Facebook egos. They use convoluted logic to justify their actions as usual. No information they provide even remotely describes the meme. I disagreed with the decision requesting a review (good luck with that). Facebook doesn't even promise to review it as usual. I'm posting this all over the Internet, at other social media sites as well as Facebook. I'm going to be at MeWe if anyone wants to follow ...

Doctor Exposes COVID Vaccine Attacking Blood Cells

 Doctor Exposes COVID Vaccine Attacking Blood Cells They keep telling you "follow the science." This is the latest findings based on science and recent papers published on the efficacy of the vaccine and why the vaccine appears to make so many seriously ill. I found this video very informative and hope everyone gets a chance to see it. Easy to understand the way he lays it out and based on recent papers released. This is "following the science" and should help explain almost anyone's questions concerning the validity of getting or not getting the vaccine.